1. Scientists have determined that fungi are more closely related to
human beings and animals than to other plants.
2. In some (maybe all) Asian countries, the family name is written
first and the individual name written second (opposite of the America
method). That's why Asian athletes like Yao Ming and Ichiro Suzuki
have Yao and Ichiro written on their jerseys. Those are their family
names and in America their names are written Ming Yao and Suzuki
3. Abe Lincoln bought 50 cents worth of cocaine in 1860
4. A German World War II submarine was sunk due to malfunction of the toilet.
5. Washington State has the longest single beach in the United States.
Long Beach, WA.
6. The largest living thing on the face of the Earth is a mushroom
underground in Oregon, it measures three and a half miles in diameter.
7. The town of Los Angeles, California, was originally named El Pueblo
la Nuestra Senora de Reina de los Angeles de la Porciuncula.
8. 9 out of 10 people believe Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.
This isn't true; Joseph Swan did.
9. Honey is the only food that does not spoil. Honey found in the
tombs of Egyptian pharaohs has been tasted by archaeologists and found
10. The Population of the world can live within the state boundaries of Texas.